All about Tiger Oak

Tiger Oak / Brown Oak is not a distinct species of Oak, but rather is European Oak that has been infected with a fungus. This fungus has the effect of turning the wood a deep brown colour. Type in the size you need on our website to get a price. Once the wood has been cut and dried, the fungus dies, leaving a rich golden brown colour. Timber that has been partially affected is called Tiger Oak, timber that has been fully affected is called Brown Oak. Boards are selected at random, so some may be fully brown and some may only be partially brown. With an oil finish, Tiger Oak will turn a beautiful deep brown colour. Tiger/Brown Oak is very durable and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Typical uses: Furniture and cabinet making, joinery, wood turning and carving. If you're really interested; Fistulina hepatica (beefsteak fungus, also known as beefsteak polypore or ox tongue) is an unusual bracket fungus classified in the Agaricales, that is co...